With the bird voice nightingale and lark you can imitate both birds. All you have to do is turn the metal loop and you'll hear an authentic nightingale or lark chirp.
Very easy to play, this inexpensive and simple effect instrument makes the bird voice of the nightingale as well as the bird voice of the lark sound authentic.
"It was the nightingale and not the lark,..." With these famous words, the enamored Juliet reassures her Romeo in Shakespeare's drama, because the nightingale sings its songs at night and so the lovers have some time until dawn. In the process, the nightingale's song is performed only by the male and serves as a courtship. Many people find the complex, multi-faceted chirping of the nightingale harmonious and melodious. So it is not surprising that the nightingale found its way into poetry, literature and music not only in Shakespeare.
The song of the lark is similarly varied and melodious, performed by the males during their so-called song flight. In 2019, the skylark was named Bird of the Year by the nature conservation organization NABU.
Manufacture Les Appeaux Hélen Baud
Av. des Marches 1058, 84200 Carpentras,
Nightingale & Lark
Nightingale & Lark