
The DAN MOI wooden shakers constructed from jackfruit wood and ceramic balls are a treat for the eye and ear. Their sound is soft and powerful, the yellowish gleaming wood has a natural and warm appeal. In this series you will find egg shakers, ball shakers and wooden shakers. In addition you will find slitted and unslitted bamboo shakers. These, too, are filled with ceramic balls. A slitted shaker gives you the option of creating either open or closed sounds. This is quite easily done by opening and closing the hand holding the shaker as you play it.

A versatile instrument among the shakers are our "shaker pads". They have an intense rattling sound and can also be struck with the fingers. For the shaker pads we use birch wood and small steel balls. A miniature version, the pocket shaker, is smaller than a matchbox and yet, despite its size, still makes an impressive sound. Another multifunctional instrument is our Güiro shaker, a kind of rattling ratchet. Our instruments are made of wood. They have a softer and more gentle sound than metal Guiros, but can still shake.

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