„Singing Jew´s Harp“: Yakutian Jaw Harp Art available for free dowonload

DAN MOI Clemens Voigt & Sven Otto GbR
„Singing Jew´s Harp“: Yakutian Jaw Harp Art available for free dowonload - „Singing Jew´s Harp“: Yakutian Jaw Harp Art available for free dwonload

He is recognized as one of the best Jew's harp soloists in the world: Spiridon Shishigin. Together with the Jew's harp player Aksenty Beskrovny and the flautist Anton Borisov, he can be heard on the album "Singing Jew´s Harp" which appeared in 2011. With their album, which appearered under Creative Commons licence, the trio provide an overview of the art of playing the Jew's harp in Yakutia.

Though for some ears they take a little getting used to, the duets between the flute and the Jew's harp are a special treat, and they document a further exciting effort at a musical co-operation between a Jew's harp and another instrument. The various Jew's harp pieces are really worth listening to. Spiridon Shishigin and Aksenty Beskrovny are both soloists. As a duet they sound acoustically consistent and often absolutely brilliant. For anyone who would like to enter this universe of sound, a visit to the Jamendo album page is recommended.

Anyone who would like to be enthralled by the worlds of free music can go to the Aksenty Beskrovny Bandcamp page. "The Stories Without Words" which appeared in 2012 is a vivacious solo album played on a jew´s harp made by Alexander Dernovoy from Ukrainia. People keen on the abstract and experimental in sound will like Beskrovny´s cooperation with Karim Ali Chingizidov: The Lower World. Last but not least, we can recommend the low-fi recording by the duo Aksenty Beskrovny and Deirdre Morgan (Touchtone Duo). Also, an older recording from the year 2011, which presents an attempt at accoustic communication between two cultural worlds (British Columbia/Canada and Yakutia/Russia). Beautifully played and rich in its range of sounds.

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