Rasping sticks are simple instruments for the elementary rhythmic education. The untreated sticks are ideal for small children. With the conical mallet you can play the stick in different pitches.
The guiro stick is a percussion instrument for elementary rhythmic education. It allows you to experiment with volume, dynamics and even pitch. With the narrow, tapered mallet you can Play the stick in different pitches.. Because it is so easy to play, the rasping stick is also ideal for small and large children. Discovering sounds in a light-hearted way is fun for everyone.
In addition, the guiro stick is made of sustainably grown jackfruit wood. Jackfruit wood is durable, weatherproof and sounds wonderfully clear. Since the wood shimmers in different golden-brown shades, each scraper stick looks slightly different in colour.
Clemens Voigt & Sven Otto GbR
Graßdorfer Str. 52 , 04425 Taucha, DE