Jaw Harps etc

When it comes to sound, shape, material and the way of making the variety of Jew's Harps is just huge. Our intention is to discover as many traditional and modern Jew's Harps as possible to make them available for you.

On one hand we try to help to keep Jew's Harp tradition and culture alive. The interest of many local people for this ancient instrument is gradually diminishing. Young people often see no future in keeping traditions and making ancient instruments, so local handicraft is unfortunately vanishing from many places worldwide. With an international interest in these rare instruments the we try to help to make rare Jew's Harps and local Jew's Harp culture survive.

On the other hand our aim is to advance the use of high grade Jew's Harp on stage. Still, the choice of good quality Jew's Harps in musical instruments stores is scrappy and of fairground or tourist souvenir quality. With our range of Jew's Harps we intend to show the full potential of this tiny instrument.

In this category the put all Jew's Harp related stuff together. We wish you lots of fun browsing through.

First class Jaw Harp Rarity from the Ukraine

  • outstanding workmanship
  • clear, sharp and overtone-rich sound
  • suitable for beginners and professionals
Variations in:
  • Keynote
280,00 € *
Out of Stock

Jaw Harp from Ukraina

The Jaw Harp of the Drymba Big Drakar model are all the same in shape and construction. They differ, however, in the artistic design of the frame. Since each Drymba is genuinely handmade and Vashkovych designs each one differently, each Big Drakar Jaw Harp is also unique and has its own unmistakable identity.

Variations in:
  • Keynote
215,00 € *
Currently out of stock
Out of Stock

Jaw Harp from Ukraina

The jaw harps of the Drymba Monstro model are always the same in shape and construction, yet each piece in the frame design is unique because it is genuine handwork and thus subject to artistic freedom. Each of these instruments has its own unique identity.

Variations in:
  • Keynote
195,00 € *
Currently out of stock
Out of Stock

Jaw Harp from Bashkortostan

Variations in:
  • Keynote
134,90 € *
Currently out of stock
Out of Stock

Jaw Harp from Tatarstan (Russia)

  • Classical frame, very stable due to its size
  • Design smooth, burnished
  • Vibration very short
  • Sound very penetrating, clear, lovely
  • Volume upper middle
  • Playing techniques oral cavity, tongue, diaphragm
  • Playing dynamics rhythmic, very fast, dynamic, accentuated, for accompaniment
Variations in:
  • Keynote
55,00 € *
Currently out of stock

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