Die Ribeba Conica von Luca Boggio aus dem Piemont (IT) erinnert auf den ersten Blick an Morchang Maultrommeln aus Nordindien. Das liegt an ihrer Rahmenform mit dem runden Griffbereich und den sich verjüngenden Schenkeln.
Die eher straffe, aber elastisch-dynamische Zunge erzeugt scharf, laute und verspielt melodiöse Töne. Außerdem spricht sie sehr gut auf perkussive Atemtechniken an.
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Pure coincidence brought Luca Boggio together with the Ribeba specialist Alessandro Zolt a few years ago. Both come from Piedmont and are jaw harp enthusiasts. Zolt researches the history of the Ribeba. Boggio forges jaw harps. The two work together for almost a year to make a copy of a Ribeba from Valsesia. In a conversation with Helen Hahmann from DAN MOI, Luca Boggio reports on how he deals with the forgotten heritage of the northern Italian jaw harps (Ribeba).
For many decades, the history of a rare craft lay dormant in Valsesia. Even the inhabitants of the region had forgotten that their province could once be mentioned in the same breath as the cities of Molln (Austria) and Birmingham (England): for about four centuries, Valsesia was home to production sites for jaw harps. Thanks to the research of Italian historian Alberto Lovatto and ethnomusicologist Alessandro Zolt, we now know a lot about the filigree Ribeba from northern Italy.
Fr. Torello 93, 13825 Valdilana, IT
Fitteafrotte Ribeba Conica